Mammal Watching in Mongolian Steppe & Gobi Desert
Top Mammals:Daurian Hedgehog, Long-eared Hedgehog, Tolai Hare, Daurian Pika, Pallas’s Pika, Mongolian Marmot, Long-tailed Ground Squirrel, Daurian Ground Squirrel, Brandt’s Vole, Eastern Mole Vole, Desert Hamster, Mongolian Gerbil, Great Gerbil, Gobi Jerboa, Siberian Jerboa, Five-toed Pygmy Jerboa, Long-eared Jerboa, Tick-tailed Pygmy Jerboa, Mongolian Jerboa, Corsac Fox, Grey Wolf, Marbled Polecat, Steppe Polecat, Pallas’s Cat, Khulan, Przewalski’s Horse, Goitered Gazelle, Mongolian Gazelle, Siberian Ibex, Argali, and more.
Mongolia, a land of endless steppes strewn with lakes, the spectacular Altai Mountains covered in coniferous and mixed forests, and the vast Gobi Desert, covering one-third of the country – this is a remote and beautiful country, much of it unchanged for centuries!
This 10 days mammal-watching trip is a journey across this wild, spacious at the very best time of year for mammals in this stunning country. Mongolia is rich in mammals; it is home to over 520 species of birds, 140 species of mammals including central Asian endangered endemic species such as Snow Leopard, Mongolian Saiga, and Bactrian Camels. In addition, Long-eared jerboa, Corsac fox, Marbled and Steppe polecat, Pallas’s cat, Przewalski’s horse, Mongolian gazelle, and Argali are major target species for this tour.
This will be a gently paced tour, which will aim not only to find mammals but also the possibility of some least known yet most desired birds of the Palearctic realm.

See more detailsAccommodation and Road transport: The tour cook prepares breakfast, lunch, and dinner with salads and desserts. Vegetarians are welcome. Drinks provide 1.5 liters of mineral water per day per person. We usually have breakfast and dinner at the campsite and packed lunches will be on the way in the field. The most of overnights, we stay in a tented camp (every tour participant will have a tent) with millions of millions of stars. The camp is equipped with a large dining tent (tables and chairs), shared a toilet, and shower tents. Experienced drivers for each section of the tour, English-speaking guide and cook will assist you to make your adventure mammal-watching trip in Mongolia. Roads are generally poor and this tour includes Japanese 4WD car.
Please contact us for any aspect of the tour, group size limit, destinations, prices, and inclusions.
We organize tailor-made trips based on our client's desires. One to 5 days mammalwatching trips are available!
Please contact us for details on what extensions either pre or post-trips are available for this tour.
We would love to share this Mammal Watching Holiday with you!
If you’re planning to visit Mongolia, what mammals can you expect to see?Today mammal watchers openly share sightings and trip reports; it’s possible to see the elusive Snow Leopard on a week trip to Mongolia.
Long-eared Jerboa, Corsac Fox, Marbled and Steppe Polecat, Pallas’s Cat, Przewalski’s Horse, Mongolian Gazelle, and Mongolian Saiga is primary target species for this tour!