
Stress Reduced Search for Ghost of the Altai Mountains

Top Mammals:
Mongolian Marmot, Brandt’s Vole, Corsac Fox, Grey Wolf, Pallas’s Cat, Snow Leopard, Goitered Gazelle, Mongolian Gazelle, Siberian Ibex, Argali, and more.

The beautiful big cat called the snow leopard, with smoky gray fur dotted by black spots and rosettes, have an uncanny ability to disappear among the rocks and rugged slopes it inhabits if one has a chance to glimpse the cat at all. Living in patches of suitable habitat among the Earth’s most remote and challenging regions the mountains of Central and South Asia snow leopards have likely always been rare, and rarely seen.

The Mongolian snow leopard (Panthera uncia) population is 2nd largest in the world and has an about 1000 individuals, is distributed in Mongolian Altai, Gobi Altai, Khangai, Khuvsgul mountain ranges. The total area occupied by snow leopards in Mongolia is approximately 103000

Mongolian Marmot, Brandt’s Vole, Corsac Fox, Grey Wolf, Pallas’s Cat, Snow Leopard, Goitered Gazelle, Mongolian Gazelle, Siberian Ibex, Argali are main targets for this 10 days tour.


Accommodation and Road transport: The tour cook prepares breakfast, lunch, and dinner with salads and desserts. Vegetarians are welcome. Drinks provide 1.5 liters of mineral water per day per person. We usually have breakfast and dinner at the campsite and packed lunches will be on the way in the field. The most of overnights, we stay in a tented camp (every tour participant will have a tent) with millions of millions of stars. The camp is equipped with a large dining tent (tables and chairs), shared a toilet, and shower tents. Experienced drivers for each section of the tour, English-speaking guide and cook will assist you to make your adventure mammal-watching trip in Mongolia. Roads are generally poor and this tour includes Japanese 4WD car. Please contact us for any aspect of the tour, group size limit, destinations, prices, and inclusions.


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We organize tailor-made trips based on our client's desires. 7, 10 & 14 days SNOW LEOPARD watching trips are available!

Please contact us for details on what extensions either pre or post trips are available for this tour.

2025 - 2026




January to March Spaces 7 days from US$3000 BOOK TOUR


2026 - 2027





December to March


7 days from US$3000




We would love to share this Unforgettable Holiday with you!

If you’re planning to visit Mongolia, what mammals can you expect to see?

Today mammal watchers openly share sightings and trip reports; it’s possible to see the elusive Snow Leopard on a week trip to Mongolia.

This trip Cheaper and Easier than Ladakh!

Long-eared Jerboa, Corsac Fox, Marbled and Steppe Polecat, Pallas’s Cat, Snow Leopard, Przewalski’s Horse, Mongolian gazelle, and Mongolian Saiga is primary target species for this tour!